Book (and Film) Reviews

I started reading more books after my brother passed away to learn as much as I could about the cause and effect of Cancer, to help deliver a message to other people to improve their own health or a family members health.

My library includes powerful books from scientists, researchers, doctors, surgeons, specialists, athletes, coaches, entrepreneurs, patients, and many autobiographies so as I can listen to their stories from broken lives to success, and also learning the history behind many false and misleading information that has been portrayed to the world. To read about information that had been hidden, and learn how this has affected the world’s health problems (not just Cancer but topics such as Autoimmunity, Diabetes and Alzheimer’s) has motivated me to read more books.
I love to learn as much as I can, to bring knowledge to the business and share amazing content with my clients and followers. Therefore I enjoy writing reviews on these books to help my community to get the best out of the book, if they do not have the time to read – but it also encourages many to purchase/library loan the books to dive deeper into topics that resonate with them.

You don’t know what you don’t know – A true coach never stops learning.

Book Review: Letting Go

Letting Go is very hard for some of us, but the effect it can have on our bodies if we don't can cause us a lot of ill health..   Each meridian is associated with a particular organ, and each organ is associated with a particular emotion. For instance,...

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Book review: The Mind-Gut connection

How the hidden conversation within our bodies impacts our mood, our choices, and our overall health. By: Emeran Mayer MD Brilliant book to help understand the mind body connection, the hormones and our microbes within our bodies. To be aware of latest science putting...

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Book review: Teen Brain

written by David Gillespie   I highly recommend this book for any parents out there that have grown up themselves in a non digital world, yet we are raising our children within the digital world. It how our children hormones correlate with digital screen, and why...

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Book Review: The Magnesium miracle

The Magnesium Miracle This is one of my favourite books - I am constantly referring to it and quoting it to many others. Dr Carolyn Dean has done an amazing job of putting all of her research into this book and giving the reader a insane amount of information in...

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Top 5 reads from 2019

Top 5 reads from 2019

Top 5 reads from 2019   Plus a bonus one…   This year my book selection has covered a wide variety of topics for overall health.   My shift in my health coaching has been more into the intuitive space, and focus on healing through the central nervous...

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Book review: Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (by Daniel Goleman)   This book was written many years ago, but still holds very true today... It is a big topic in the world today of how Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is more powerful than that of Intellectual Intelligence (IQ)... With more...

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Book review: Emotional Agility

Emotional Agility (by Susan David - psychologist)   Living in a busy modern lifestyle we all go through niggling thoughts about how we handle life and our families lives... We become hooked on things and situations, we have the same stressors and setbacks as...

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Book review : Genius Food

Genius foods (Written by Max Lugavere)    This book covered a lot, some things may be a reminder, and some things are well explained, that helps you to connect the dots. I read many books and some go over the same information, but there are some books that...

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Book review: The Circadian Code

The Circadian Code Dr Satchin Panda Our circadian rhythms are controlled by circadian clocks that exist in all our cells. They are programmed to turn gene on or off at different times of the day or night, they have huge impact on every aspect of our health. As we...

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Book review : The Biology of Belief

Book review : The Biology of Belief

The biology of belief written and researched by Bruce H Lipton M.D This book was first published in 2005 and has been updated with stunning new scientific discoveries about the biochemical effects of the brain's functioning of cells in your body can be affected by...

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