silhouette of woman in kicking stance on the beach

This time of year is a very reactive time of year to get into a healthier lifestyle regime.
Everyone’s first thought goes straight to diet and exercise. This is important but only a part of the whole picture.
For those that haven’t done much in the way of exercise I suggest you start with two days of strength training or gym workouts, and every other day walk as movement is very important. It doesn’t mean jogging, it means walking.
For those that have been exercising already, try different styles of training – such as adding in a high intensity day (one) of sprints or a 20 min HIIT circuit. If you have been doing this style of workout, then add in a strict strength session where you rest for a period in between lifts and keep good form. Again every other day getting out for some walks (mix up length of time).
But most importantly as introducing exercise – also plan in the Rest & Recovery:
With R&R you need to control stress hormones (NO huff & puff: choose one of these each day)
  •  Leisure walk
  • Restorative yoga
  • Tai chi
  • Massage/sauna
  • Hot baths with magnesium salts
  • Physical affection
  • Foam rolling
  • Time with pets
  • Funny movie/laughter
EVERYDAY choose one of these.
Recovery helps you to improve in your workouts, helps the CNS to relax, reducing you reaching for highly palatable foods such as sugar, sweets, chips etc.
You can’t go from 0 – 100 in a matter of days, be kind to your body, listen to your body and training everyday will not help lasting results. It may get you results in the first few weeks, but then you drop off and go back to square one, ending up with a bad relationship to exercise and more body dysmorphia.
2022 is a year of becoming healthier. The virus type that is around at the moment will stay here for a long time, so think about getting your immune system in a better situation along with good cardiovascular fitness, but most importantly good strength and muscle mass.
Reach out if you need help. Here is a successful program I run to help you adjust your metabolism, and improve your health in your body and mind. It helps you to understand why resting is as important as training : Adaptive metabolism
Kerrie Fatone