Self help to your health


To make you a better version of you – to help you preserve and enhance your greatest asset you have – YOU…

Many people I work with come to me as they are requiring help to help their health, from low energy, fatigue, stubborn weight concerns, metabolic dysfunction, brain fog, autoimmune concerns and most of all self disappointment.

But they look at one area only; say their weight, but this then throws another area in their life balance out.

After reading broadly I find that many people don’t see the big picture and are losing faith – so these four dimensions of renewal may hit a note with you?…



Physical – tone (being a good animal)
Spiritual – perspective (a good saint)
Mental – autonomy (a good craftsman)
Social/Emotional – connectedness (a good friend)





Involves caring effectively for our physical body  – eating the right kinds of food, getting sufficient rest and relaxation, and exercising on a regular basis.

We are so focused on doing everything, being everywhere that we eat on the run, eat food high in calories and low in nutrition. We stay up late under damaging artificial light to catch up other things we need to do or watch latest Netflix series wake tired, run late, and therefore do not put movement into the daily equation “I’ll do it tomorrow” [but we know tomorrow never comes].



This dimension provides leadership to your life. It is your core, your centre, your commitment to your value system.
It is a very private area of life and a supremely important one. It draws upon the sources that inspires and uplifts you and ties you to the timeless truths of all humanity.
And people do it very, very differently.

This is where you need to stop all the white noise going on around you.
We don’t have stillness/quiet anymore because technology/smart devices have taken that space, we cannot even sit at the set of lights in our cars without checking email or at the children sports – we cannot be present with ourselves or our children because we get caught up in everyone else’s lives.
How can we then find the spirit inside ourselves when we are looking at everyone else’s lives?



Our mental development and study discipline comes mainly through formal education. But after we finish the education we let our minds atrophy.
It’s extremely valuable to train the mind to stand apart and examine its own program; don’t narrow your mind, it will close your mind.

It is valuable to read broadly and expose yourself to great minds.




Centres around interpersonal leadership, empathic communication, and creative cooperation.
These are tied together because our emotional life is primarily, but not exclusively developed out of and manifested in our relationship with others.

Talk to people in person, not live through social apps as a way of communicating.
Reading of body language is a powerful skill, that we tend to lose as the world becomes hidden behind a keyboard.
Listen more – talk less…


Peace of mind comes when your life is in harmony with true principles and values and in no other way.


All these four dimensions need to include balanced renewal, because if you neglect any one area negatively impacts the rest.


For example : [Hypothetical situation]


Someone who would like to lose weight, focuses everything on the physical aspect – but places pressure on themselves as in time – so life becomes hectic “no pain no gain” and there is no stillness time (spiritual) included in the day/week.

The have been suggested by others to follow a vegetarian diet and have become close minded (mental) on the way they eat.
They do not believe meat is needed in the diet, they protest against anyone who does, because their way is the right and only way.
They do not understand about nutrient deficiencies that could impact their health.
Nothing matters but the exercise and the vegetarian meals.

This then leads to isolating themselves away from the friends they once associated with (social/emotional), due to them eating meat when out for dinner with you, so you no longer go out anymore. Your friendship group changes, but emotionally you miss your friends for other values they had.
*This also happens within the family – you eat different meals at different times, you could resent what others eat, in the way you feel you are missing out, leading to frustration and isolation even more.

This is how you can unbalance your dimensions.


Synergy in Renewal

Balance renewal is optimally synergetic.

Your physical health affects your mental health; your spiritual strength affects your social/emotional strength.
As you improve in one dimension, you increase your ability in other dimensions as well.


  1. Make a list of what would help you in each dimension, that you would enjoy.
  2. At the end of each week evaluate your performance, did you make the goal? Did you fail to act with integrity to your value?
  3. Commit to writing down your goals and achievements/fails so within a couple of months you can evaluate your performance and goals. You will see that your overall healthy state of mind and body has improved, and maybe if it was the goal of losing weight, not only has it has been successful, but your overall mind and social connections are all healthy as well.

I hope this connected with you and please share with others that you feel need to balance their dimensions.

To your Health and Happiness