Your body adapts to cardio workouts within two weeks, and then you need to keep increasing the load, volume or duration to keep up the adaptions.
You get good results to start with, that’s why everyone promotes this in the industry. Then you fall off the cliff as the body has adapted so quickly.
You start to feel tired more often trying to keep up with the demands of the intense cardio.
When you get into this style of training a couple of months down the track 5 – 6 days a week to get to your goal weight, but then you find your hunger increases and the mindset of completing all this cardio all the time wears you down physically and mentally – then breaking down your metabolism!
When you burn more, you eat more. And if you are looking at cardio for just the weight loss aspect then you will be disappointed in the long term result. Our body adapts very quickly to the amount of energy we burn in running, or other high cardio workouts. This leads to having to work harder or longer to increase the same amount of calorie burn. (Great book to explain more of this is “Burn: by Herman Pontzer“)
Whereas if you work on building strength eg: working on squat depth – this is a great way to build good muscle using heaps of muscle groups and stability within the body.
Have a talk to a professional strength coach and have a good think about ways you can get stronger.
The side effects of getting stronger is not only CALORIE BURNING but FAT BURNING!
If you’d like to work on a good strength and resistance program contact me for more details.
Kerrie Fatone